Letter of 5/4/2020 Music and Guided Relaxation
Yoga Friends!I hope you all are well and staying focused on staying well! For me, these days feel a bit like the last few weeks of school, when I know you should stay focused but really I just want to do anything else. I think we need to stick to our best self care practices and take one day at a time. I try not to think too much about the other side of this experience but I feel confident we will get there.
We spend a lot of time outside. Phoebe is growing into a good puppy. She is getting bigger (and heavier). But still just as cute. She is learning to use the potty outside and to not eat the entire house. She and Goldie are getting along really well. They like to play and even though Goldie is not that fast on her feet, she makes up for it with her loud bark and snappy teeth. Phoebe isn’t scared and it is all in good fun.
I have included some links below that I hope you find useful. And today I added my guided relaxation to the YouTube page as an audio file. If you haven’t checked out YouTube yet, there are some good videos including a whole class with a guided relaxation.
Please keep in touch. Big virtual hugs to everybody!Julie
Awesome guided relaxation by my former teacher, Esther Myers. https://www.estheryoga.https://www.estheryoga.com/virtual_yoga/guided-relaxation-with-esther-myers/
This link has some info about Esther’s book and a nice write up about what made Esther’s teaching special. https://www.catherineannisyoga.co.uk/esther-myers-yoga-and-you/
The music I play in class: Reed Flute Solos by Michael Joly
I used to play this a long time ago in class. Before a student gave me the Michael Joly CD about 15 years ago! I really like it.Migration by Peter Kater & R. Carlos Nakai on Apple Music
Some encouraging reading: Jane Brody’s Guide to Life on Lockdownhttps://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/04/well/live/coronavirus-lockdown-health-advice.html
And of course, the picture of Phoebe!